Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Can we have a light blue line around the world?

Another from Instapundit, I'll just quote the whole thing:

JAMES Q. WILSON EMAILS: "On August 26, 2007, the Los Angeles Times published an article explaining why the city council of Santa Barbara has been prevented from painting a blue line across the city to mark how high the water will be if you believe Al Gore’s prediction that global warming will make the oceans rise by 23 feet. The idea was not defeated because people realize that Gore’s prediction is silly and wrong, but because a realtor threatened a law suit based on the argument that property values below the line would fall."

The article is here.
I think the various organizations promoting concern about global warming should make this a top priority, not only for Santa Barbara, but for the whole world. They are making predictions that would be much more powerful if they were given some concrete form. Remember how impressive the animated aerial views were in An Inconvenient Truth. There are plenty of people who don't know exactly where those lines of elevation are. Many of them have children. It's for the children!

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